




The British Photographic Council

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• About the British Photographic Council

The British Photographic Council exists to protect, develop and promote the rights and interests of photographic image makers, those involved in the distribution of their work, and the bodies that represent them in the UK.

The Council represents these views to the Government, the European Commission and other relevant bodies either directly or through or with the co-operation of other bodies with similar aims.

• Membership

The British Photographic Council is an umbrella body, and its board is comprised of representatives from its member organisations.Read more...

COVID-19 pandemic

Heed the official guidance and advice and please do not put yourself, and others at risk.

All members of the British Photographic Council urge everyone to follow the official guidance and advice and not to put yourselves and others at risk. We appreciate that many in our sector are finding this time incredibly difficult and all our member bodies are doing what they can to support their individual members.

There’s little point in duplicating the advice and guidance here, but suffice it to say that please do get your advice and guidance from official and verified sources.

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